You're correct.

Working from the ground up is the only possible way to "right the ship" so to speak, without horrible consequences.

I do see this becoming a trend though. As more people are awakened to what's going on, more are going to demand their freedoms be protected. And nobody trusts electronic voting anymore. As they shouldn't.

This is happening because more people are realizing their "representatives" DON'T represent them. Those representatives are passing laws that hardly anyone thinks are wise. Representatives are not rulers, but if allowed to rule, rule they will!

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Thanks! I posted excerpts of this and the images with a link back to here.


Now thinking I should run for whatever county office can overturn vaxx and mask mandates.

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That's awesome. Where I live we are planning to buy a copy of Matthews book for every local municipal councillor, to give them a chance to learn how to do their job. But I may run for county office here too. We'll see

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