Hi. I appreciate your comment. You are right, we should take the time to view the research. I wasn’t saying this particular one was bogus, I was simply talking in general about all the different cures they have on the internet and how people need to be very cautious.

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Thanks. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

I hope you review Thomas Seyfried’s work.

He is a genius!

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Been listening to it!

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I take everything with a grain of salt on both sides. There are all kinds of bogus stories on-line as well. Don’t mean to be sceptical, but sadly many vulnerable people with cancer are so desperate they will believe and try anything, It is a fact that there are plenty of people out there who have no problem duping sick and vulnerable people trying to convince them of a magical cure. It is heart breaking.

I am not going to completely trash the medical system, they have saved many people. Not saying they are perfect, but I can not in good conscience trash medicine entirely.

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This might sound harsh and I don’t want to hurt feelings. But I feel like I need to respond to your comment. I hope you understand that I am not trying to hurt anyone, I am only trying to help.

Here is my comment in reply to yours:

Fair, but if you want to say something is bogus, I think you need to put some time into fully researching the subject. That’s why I recommend watching the 2 hour video. This is not some snake oil fake. He has done a lot of research. And there is a book as well. I don’t think we should throw anything away unless we are going to actually take the time to review all the evidence. It seems like people like to just go on their hunches and will not take that time, I don’t consider that to be an essential part of being skeptical.

When people are skeptical without being thorough, it really is their loss in my opinion. My health is pretty good and I credit that to taking the time to watch entire videos and putting a lot of research into it.

In addition to all of what I said above, Yoshinori Osumi was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, for his discoveries on the topic of autophagy. Quoted: “Autophagy is a process by which our cells reduce their own components to release energy, and to build new functional parts.”

I posted this article about Yoshinori awhile ago, Quoting from the article: “He says there is a lack of interest, in the scientific community, into the degradation phase of autophagy. At 40 minutes and 50 seconds into the talk he says “also not so many people are interested in the degradation process and the degradation product by autophagy, so we want to know about this process, and without this kind of data, we cannot say really the physiological meaning of autophagy.””

I think the theory of autophagy ties in quite nicely with the research of Thomas Seyfried PhD and professor of biology, genetics, and biochemistry at Boston University.

Link to the article. https://open.substack.com/pub/xnumber11x/p/bullies-dont-want-to-know?r=paf6o&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I should watch the whole 2 hr video, but I am such a believer in simple solutions to our man-made problems, particularly health ones, that I totally accept this . Probably should for the supplements I would need to take to add to the water...yes?

Anyway, sent it to a friend whose husband has cancer. Have tried in the past to send different suggestions to ailing people, and it is still amazing how many persist in following doctor's orders...you know they who VEHEMENTLY "didn't force", but did(!)the vaccines and boosters. Help us!

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It is so simple and cheap that if people became aware of it so many people would be out of a job. It was a good video. I have watched several videos of Thomas Seyfried. It is a popular subject and you will find many interviews and presentations by him or with him on YouTube.

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I watched an interesting video with a guy who had Stage 4 Colon Cancer and got rid of it by doing something like a 30 day water fast. Sounds insane but he was deadly serious, clearly he was well read. It was under Dr. Berg's channel but I cannot find it.

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