Tunnel Vision on Transfection Not Helping
Part 6 - high flow oxygen therapy may have caused lung damage which was later blamed on COVID
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This is the final installment of this series on Oxygen therapy as standard of care for people who test positive for COVID.1 Links to Part 1 to Part 5 will be in the footnotes.23456
In the treatment of people who tested positive for COVID, High-Flow Oxygen therapy was promoted as a replacement for ventilators in hospitals.7
High-Flow Oxygen therapy is relatively new compared with Conventional Oxygen therapy and it came into use in the early 2000’s. 8
Studies found High-Flow Oxygen therapy was not an effective treatment, unless the goal was to avoid using a ventilator.
A letter sent by Tammy Baker to a hospital in Memphis describes how oxygen therapy was torturous for her sister, Sandra Baker Sterling, who allegedly died from COVID-19. The letter spoke about oxygen therapy and the neglect and poor treatment her sister experienced while in the hospital. The letter was very direct and describes how her sister was not the one and only person who was effectively murdered after testing positive for COVID. The letter asserts that people who were not compliant and did not take the experimental transfection were at the top of the list of those who would be “picked as .. COVID-19 fatalities.”
Not all people treated with High-Flow Oxygen therapy died. However a question remains, for those who did not die, did they suffer damage from this treatment? And afterwards would this damage have been attributed to the oxygen therapy; or instead, would it be blamed on COVID?
The transfections - AKA mRNA genetic therapy - are poison and completely useless. However, there is so much focus on the transfections that we ignore the likelihood that many people who have damaged organs and lungs and allegedly suffer from what is called “Long Covid” may have received other harmful protocols such as High-Flow Oxygen therapy.
I did a Google search with the search term “Side effects of high-flow oxygen” and this article came up titled “Oxygen Toxicity”.9
The article says the following about oxygen toxicity:
Breathing oxygen at higher than normal partial pressure leads to hyperoxia and can cause oxygen toxicity or oxygen poisoning.
This sounds a lot like COVID to me, it is a description of Oxygen Toxicity:
… stimulates the development of histological changes in the lung. This consists of pulmonary edema, congestion, intra-alveolar hemorrhage, and pulmonary injury. Tissue examination reveals that surfactant interruption and epithelial injury initiate the expanded expression of cytokines that activate inflammatory cells. The heightened release of oxygen free radicals modifies normal endothelial function. Microscopic examination at high magnification displays the alveoli in the lung filled with smooth to slightly floccular pink material characteristic of pulmonary edema and congestion. The capillaries in the alveolar walls are congested with many red blood cells.
Details are obscured as time goes on. People typically just say “oxygen”, without confirming which type of oxygen therapy might have been used.
There may be some situations where High Flow Oxygen therapy is an appropriate treatment.
Dangerous Protocols are more likely to happen when hospitals and long term care homes become prisons
Many people were not allowed to be in the hospital with their loved ones. People were not allowed to visit Long-Term Care homes. These types of measures allowed these institutions to commit many harms without any scrutiny. There are also laws in place in the US, which make it nearly impossible to hold these institutions accountable.
Prior to COVID, people were not rubbing sanitizer all over their hands/groceries multiple times a day. Prior to COVID, people were not wearing masks constantly.
I still see people wearing masks. I really want to know how they were able to get through their life without masks before all of this?
All of these new psychotic habits may contribute to what we now hear about all the time, Long Covid.
No matter the reason they give never allow them to lock you down again. It never happened before 2020, don’t let it happen, ever again.
*this article will not be on the subject of germ theory or terrain theory. If that is what you are interested in, you will find many others writing about that on Substack. I hope you go and read their posts.
I am not sure about specifically why high-flow oxygen therapy was to replace ventilators. I have heard people say that it is because there were not enough ventilators, but I tend to think it is because it became too obvious that few survived ventilators.
That's what happens when you shut down real science and research. It's a shit show!
As a note about the oxygen, when my mother was dying of glioblastoma over 20 years ago, after she died, the so called care provider took the green bottle of oxygen from our house while the body was still warm. Like getting rid of the evidence of their crime or weapon. Just seems to ring a bell...