It would be easy to do a controlled study. Hook 100 doctors to the high flow oxygen, another 100 are the control group who are not hooked to high flow oxygen.

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just curious about why you would want to do this study. for covid? or to find out if it causes harm?

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The latter.

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I was half-expecting to learn the "extreme forced oxygen" (High Flow Nasal Therapy) to be found to cause lung damage due to pressure exerted by "extreme forcing." Apparently not...

Although your conclusion that economic forces rather than reduced mortality inspires hospitals to use HFNT seems quite valid, given the dangers of being hospitalized with covid, I'd be relieved to be discharged even one day sooner from an institution that reaps $10k or more for each covid death recorded.

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in follow up articles I am going to write more about lung damage. Best not to go to the hospital at all. Or if you go and test positive for COVID, leave!

The real problem is that they are acting like it is novel and dangerous and requires new protocols. Most people who have a serious cold probably have bacterial infection and need antibiotics. Many doctors are probably not aware and do not test for anything other than COVID and FLU. But the experts will never stop staying “antibiotics cannot be used for a viral infection” it is probably even in the WHO protocol.

In one of the articles coming on this subject I will write about a person who received oxygen while their loved ones searched for a doctor who would provide antibiotics. This person probably benefited from the oxygen. But they also probably never needed it. They just needed antibiotics earlier. BTW I am not a doctor. Just telling you my opinion here.

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I share your concerns. Looking forward to your follow-up articles on this topic.

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Sep 30Liked by Renee Green

When I heard they were using respirators for treatment of Civid I lost total faith in the healthcare system. The WHO is nothing more than a bunch of unelected authoritarian wantabes. Disregard anything they say.


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