Why are colds and flu seasonal?

It’s to do with exposure to external cold dry air or internal warm dry air.

The respiratory symptoms come on after a bout of acute dehydration.

The respiratory mucosa needs to rehydrate their length and breadth. This means lots of mucus and moisture.

If doing this robs other areas of moisture, body aches appear.

The old remedies were perfectly aligned with this occurrence.

Salt water irrigations, gargles and inhalations.

Salt plus water broths Eg chicken soup.

Sanatoriums were located along coastlines to allow lungs to heal with salty sea air.

My Substack article is titled: We breathe air not oxygen

I explain this assertion logically. It busts a few physiological paradigms, so get ready to reassess what you think you know!


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Feb 23Liked by Renee

A. Very good again!! B. "...the issue of how words are losing meaning", more like are being changed in meaning...for more info, check Brave New World for the playback on this stupidity.

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CONgress.BigPharma.Malone + then the


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