Lol, getting FIRED is normally reserved as a punishment for a very serious offense.

Everyone who mandated that poison *must* be hanged. Even just talking in public about hanging them helps to protect us all from a repeat:


So please, at every opportunity, talk in PUBLIC about the need for hangings in response to the worst crime against humanity ever. The choices are speaking out in public or dying in silence.

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What about the people who were fired if they didn't comply with the vaccine mandate? Do as I say or starve to death, lose your home, live on the streets etc.

Yes we were forced, in no uncertain terms. The thing that gets me is these A**holes pretended to get the vaccine but it was probably a normal saline injection not the poison they wanted us to take. I'd like to see them MAID.


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I think they probably knew where to go

for saline. I expect there was a lot of saline available.. so certain locations would be saline only. The oligarchs and their minions would get their injection at these locations.

That's why so many were not harmed. This helps them track the experiment. It also creates a sense that it was safe, because the lucky ones got saline and didn't even know it. This way people are less likely to object to future experiments.

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I thought words were violence but now it’s physical force? How about threats of losing job, losing the freedom to go out, and losing access to medical treatment? I guess those don’t count. I’ve never seen people flat out lie as much as I have in the last 10 years.

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If threatening an individual with home arrest under the guise of "quarantine," threatening their employment status and ability to provide food and shelter for their families, and canceling family Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations is not government "force" ...

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Yes, what is house arrest? It is punishment!

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