Feb 23Liked by Renee

“Is there a doctor in the house!!?”

“I identify as a doctor! How can I help?”

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Feb 23Liked by Renee

People who keep testing💥🤣! I just had a friend say that her house had CV19 again. I’m like 🤦🏼‍♀️. 🛑 the madness .

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Feb 23Liked by Renee

My journey away from the far left came before COVID. At a brunch with all of my favorite people, one of them chimed up with this gem, “I wish all of the old people, just like my grandmother, would just die because they are the ones who vote for Trump”

The worst part is that I was the only person at that even remotely took issue with this comment. Everyone else either kept eating, nodded in agreement, sipped their mimosa....etc.

I couldn’t believe it. Best part of this story? His grandmother wound up getting COVID in a nursing home and he went on and on on social media about how we all “better do our part” to save his precious grandma! I shit you not. There is no shame! That did it for me. That’s when I realized “we” just might be the bad guys.

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Feb 23Liked by Renee

Got to love those facts. Great memes Renee.


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Hi Renee

Great memes.

I’ve three articles that blow through a few paradigms and I think they will help create the new medical system - based on reality not retarded regurgitated bs.

We breathe air not oxygen is my first.

I’ve a new take on blood and lung physiology and the nature of air and water.

And you will find out why colds and flu are seasonal.


How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking? Is my third.

This connects chronic dehydration with the adrenals.

And you’ll find out why women are overly represented in Dementia wards.


I hope you will read and ponder.

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Seymour Brown, Proctologist At Large here, what seems to be the trouble?

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Feb 25Liked by Renee

Quality memes. Hope to see more. Only sad I can't steal em and send to my brother for a quality chuckle.

Especially the Chinese anal swabs one.

Also love your point about the medical freedom problem. They contrived this initially to gain control of both sides.

But they have not succeeded. Just 2/3 succeeded.

Totalitarianism requires everyone accept the lie or those who don't are exterminated. Then those who question follow next. Last you end up like north Korea.

The world is changing. The truth WILL pierce the veil. We will NOT be their slaves.

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Feb 23Liked by Renee

Awesome! Love your plain-talk and memes!!

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Excellent article. 👍👍

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Feb 23Liked by Renee

Seems your nearly recovered! Congratulations 🎉🍾 are in order super soon.

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On covid testing. It allows me to take 10 days off from work, no question. 3 days sick, 7 days enjoying TV and video games, imagining life as a day trader.

OK, who am I kidding. Poo some Tylenol and its a full 10 days of relaxation.

Don't hate the player.

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What would you say to the friends and families of people who died of COVID? They making it up?

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