Aug 25Liked by Renee Green

I started learning in February 2022 and never looked back. Dropped 55 lbs so far. Only 20 more to go to reach my college weight. Off ALL prescriptions before the end of 2022 and I haven’t been this healthy since my 20s. Only clean, whole, unprocessed foods. While organic is better you don’t have to wait until you can afford it. I did everything by refusing to eat any sugar, any seed oil, and no processed or premade foods. It wasn’t easy at first, but I made my health more important than anything else and found an angry determination deep down to not let them rob me of my health ever again. That starts with what’s on my fork!!

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Thanks for sharing your story! 🙏

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Aug 26Liked by Renee Green

I have type 2 diabetes. I have kept it in control without medication for close to 10 years now. I got in a argument with a so called dr yesterday on threads . He was wondering why people say drs are just pill mills. I told him my story how a dr told me I would have to b on insulin shots to get my blood sugar down. I told him I did my own research . I started first with eating less, then low carb, then exercising. I told him why are pills or shots the first thing they want to shill instead of info. How about taking things like cinnamon and turmeric. He said we are not taught these things in med. school to that I replied so you are taught just to push pills lol. My grandmother was told the same thing by the same dr who I had went too. She is still on shots and 2 different pills. She eats as she likes and she hardly moves . She might walk 70 foot to get to my moms house. I walk 2-3 miles a day and today I did 4 mi(since it was finally cooler) Tell me again why I should listen to a dr on this?

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Thanks for sharing 🙏

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Aug 25Liked by Renee Green

I think R.K. jr. is right. The food we eat is void of nutrition and the pharmaceuticals are poisoning us.


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the good news is that we don't need RK Jr. to do anything. We can do it all on our own. And it is cheap and easy.

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There is a great French documentary on Rumble called THE SCIENCE OF FASTING. It's around an hour long and will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about what happens in your body when you fast. I highly recommend watching. You can also buy a copy on Vimeo for a few bucks.


Thanks for your article. God Bless. Oh, and wasn't it God who told us to fast regularly? Hmm....

Could this be NOT because He wants to punish us by denying food, but to restore us to health as He designed? Hmmm....

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