One more thing.

My father had a stroke (7) years ago and has had trouble breathing since damage to the vocal cord area (not badly, but uses a CPAP). He had Kidney Stones and needed to get them removed, this was in 2021.

He went to the hospital where they tested him for COVID, before his procedure, he was negative. He then goes through the procedure and has trouble coming off the anesthesia.

He was having "breathing difficulties." So, they test him for COVID again, as part of the their protocol, and then claim he’s POSITIVE! He was tested (5) hours earlier and he was negative. You can’t become ill with symptoms in (5) hours!

I was out of state at the time. I told him to get the hell out of the hospital! Because they were going to blame his breathing trouble on COVID. I told him to sign out AMA (Against Medical Advise) I'm so glad he listened to me. He got out and is doing fine now. He never had COVID. They were trying to cash in on him, because he has a lot of other comorbidities, and his death would be easy to disguise as COVID related.

Had he NOT gotten out AMA, it most likely would have resulted in his death.

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I wonder if the tests also test positive if you take certain medications...

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Possibly, but it sure surely is likely to be positive if it’s a PCR and the cycles are 40-45 which is what happened a lot.

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I suppose it's possible. I know that other things can cause it to show positive, and the CDC admitted to it. I did an article about it in 2020.


There's a video from OANN where a hospital tech explains how they had almost zero flu cases in 2020! The hospital tech also tested COVID-19 swabs in the flu analyzer -- and they showed positive for influenza.

It's worth checking it out if you've got a minute.

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You're right!

1.) The manufacturer(s) own trial data show that there were risks of very serious side effects. Historical data, related mRNA gene therapy development, reflect this as well. Not only that, there were problems with the method of action. What magic occurred in less than 9 months to change the entire mRNA method of action? Nothing, because cellular mechanics haven't changed.

2.) The "authorities" FDA, CDC, and vaccine manufacturers admit that they don't know the possible long-term side effects of the "vaccines" How could they, it hasn't been long enough. However, when possible side effects are mentioned, they always claim that they can't be vaccine related. You can't have it both ways. You can't claim not to know what could happen, then in the same breath, know what is *not* happening. That's not science, that's a Monty Python sketch!

3.) There was an information suppression campaign. This is not a conspiracy "theory" the Twitter Files released my Musk prove this. Facebook even blocked content and links to Pfizer's official website. Why? Because the data proved that there were serious questions as to safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. Factual data was at odds with "official guidance."

4.) All alternative treatments were immediately banned. Not only that, there was a push by the NIH/NIAID to block research into alternatives to the vaccines. Vaccines are usually years out, before development and testing are completed. It makes no logical sense to *not* triage. Try immediate treatments first, because a vaccine would normally be years away. There's only a few possible reasons for this, 1.) This was planned, and the government authorities weren't really worried about COVID deaths. 2.) They didn't care about saving lives. It was always about mRNA technology approval. 3.) This is about population reduction through increasing sterilization and other genetic diseases.

5.) The COVID death statistics are completely and totally false. The CDC generated shoddy COVID death data. They admitted to adding died "with" COVID and died "from" COVID in their statistics. Why? If they truly wanted to count COVID deaths, you would never do that. Which again leads to; they were never truly interested in "knowing" true COVID death statistics. This is provable because the CDC's COVID infection fatality ratio data are correct. That being the case, COVID, being on par with the Flu can't cause the deaths of 5-times-more people! Oops, they forgot that people know how to convert ratios to percentages.

6.) The entire COVID response has been illogical at every turn. The lockdowns were the first clue. Once the virus was literally everywhere -- before anyone even knew to look for it, what good could a quarantine do? Why are there no lockdowns for the Flu? The Flu has the same infection fatality ratio as COVID, and we also don't know when or where the Flu starts each year.

7.) I'm from the government, and I'm here to help...

You might also find this article interesting. There is a paper on the NIH website from April 24, 2019 listing all of the issues encountered with mRNA tech. This was LONG before anything COVID-19 was even on the horizon.


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A. CARES...sounds MAID here...wonder what it is in other languages, as I am sure this is one of the collaborative efforts of all bribed nations...🤷‍♀️

B. Criminal enough to murder his daughter, but THEN, to not even meet with him because he had FIRST taken the high road and decided to HELP the hospital not to make further mistakes?!?!?

Now. He sues. He gave them the chance. 🙏🏼💖🙏🏿💙

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I think it is different though. In this case they used the privatized system against Americans. I am not sure the same thing would have happened in Canada. I saw one fact check on the topic where they basically said that this would have mostly happened to people who were not privately insured in the US. So what happened is they murdered the poor of the US to stage a pandemic.

And we have a lot of hand waving about Gain of Function, that merely functions to take attention away from this horrendous crime!

Of course MAID is totally disgusting. I don't know if I will ever write anything on that topic. But it is definitely being used to wipe out evidence in Canada, of injury from the transfections (new mRNA technology)

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Different, but the same...surreptiously arresting autonomy from.the vulnerable...grrrrrr.

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It's frustrating that my daughter, with all normal vitals, was admitted as hypoxia and Sepsis. The doctors engaged in fraudulent behavior for money and to kill The excessive drugs administered was overrided. Their actions are that of Mengele !!! How many lives they killed each day and still today?

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I am so sorry that this happened. It is hard for people to believe. I felt in my heart that this was what was happening all along. All throughout I tried to tell people not to go to the hospital. It was the only thing that could explain how deadly this was. I am so frustrated too, that so many of the things that are happening are considered "conspiracy theory" which makes it so hard to have any kind of conversation about these things. I guess we just have to keep trying. I guess that's why we're here. To keep trying.

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A cooked up PCR blitz could give the APPEARANCE of a pandemic, but they needed visible deaths to justify what came next.

It was clear the pandemic was brought in for the shots, and not the other way around.

I've always said testing of the mRNA technology itself was one of the primary goals.

The Davos crowd is heavily invested and had huge hopes that taking control of cellular machinery was eventually going to lead to "replacement genetics" that could make their dreams of extended lifespans a reality.

(And if it killed a few people here or there during testing - no biggie. Georgia Guidestones and all that).

It still stuns me that 4 YEARS LATER the general Public AND the medical establishment did not have their suspicions aroused in the slightest when every country immediately began acting identically, that this was a pre-scripted event.

There was obviously prior coordination and agreed-upon pre-planning. But even this glaring clue passed by the cognition of 90% of humanity.

Just as billions of potentially "contaminated" masks not being treated in any way as biohazards, went straight over their heads as well.

It reminds me of a meme I saw recently which said something along the lines of "Trusted sources recommend a 7th booster because frankly, at this point, you'll believe anything".

A recent quote by CJ Hopkins in relation to Gaza said: "Gaza is a flex by the Davos crowd to show us all how far they will go with violence when they want to.”

That quote can equally be applied to Covid.

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I am also wondering if the general public and medical establishment are afraid, still. Anyone with the wrong opinion was treated quite harshly!

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A big scam that consisted of many sub scams.

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