Good one Renee.


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Hehehe..now, I have to stop telling you whom I like! 😁🙏

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While I didn't know any of this information as not having seen it anywhere, I don't disbelieve it as a possibilty...I don’t know everything! 😁 I find it odd that he participated in the movies made by Mikki Willis who clearly declared FAKE! FAKE! FAKE!everything...oh well, if this is true, is he on the wrong side of much! But I do admire many other doctors who have come out specifically on the plandemic as well as the rashness of immediately jumping to vaccines which ended up being deadly and harmful as well as the hospital "treatments" of this flu...🤷‍♀️ 🙏🏽💖🙏🏼

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Unfortunately many of these people including Mikki Willis are not talking about these issues. So unfortunately I am going to be the messenger again to tell you that Mikki Willis is also not on our side. I hope you will forgive me for saying so.

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No idea why Malone doesn't. Must be an "incentive" to not accept it...?! 🤷‍♀️😥

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Because he is not on our side. I am sorry to tell you. He talks about the "vaccines" almost exclusively and ignores excess deaths caused by drug overdoses and deadly hospital protocols. He cannot talk about the drug overdoses as it relates to excess deaths because it then becomes obvious that there was no pandemic. He cannot talk about the deadly hospital protocols because then it becomes obvious that there was no pandemic. By focusing almost exclusively on the "vaccine" he also misconstrues deaths from these other causes. This helps to spread a message the "vaccines" are the only reason for excess deaths, other than the GOF scary virus. Also this makes people focus on the "vaccine" and causes them to exaggerate that the "vaccines" are the most dangerous thing and the cause of excess deaths. Which allows the opposition to correctly state that we are spreading "misinformation". It actually matters to include discussions around drug overdoses and deadly protocols in terms of excess deaths. I am very sorry to tell you this because I know that you will probably not hear what I am saying, instead it will make you angry at me. But as they say "don't shoot the messenger" . You are a lovely person and I hope you will forgive me for being blunt in answering why Malone doesn't talk about things the way that others do. If Malone starts to talk about these things, in this context, I will be very surprised. But if he does I expect it will be because he is becoming desperate.

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In video, Mike Yeadon, former VP for Pfizer who got out early after seeing the LIE.

We are surrounded mostly by the "blind"(including family), whose hearing and eye sight seem to be affected as well...

And they all seem to be highly intelligent! Go figure. 🤷‍♀️

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Yes but Malone thinks there was a pandemic. Why is that? And Malone receives way more attention and adoration. Why is that? I answered the question in this post.

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