I do know that in the US, per the CDC, you were considered "unvaccinated" if you hadn't been deemed "fully vaccinated".

Fully vaccinated for COVID-19 was defined as either:

(1) two weeks after receiving the second dose in a two dose COVID-19 vaccine series or

(2) two weeks after receiving a single dose COVID-19 vaccine.

Therefore, if it had been less than two weeks since receiving a final COVID jab, you were considered "unvaccinated".

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Apr 20Liked by Renee

I had a brief look at the research done by Shelly Hipson. It only confirmed my thoughts about what went on. To think they are still questioning people about their vaccination status today. What a bunch of ~ I can't think of a word bad enough to describe these ingrates.


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Apr 16Liked by Renee

Yay, you!!!!

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Apr 16Liked by Renee

Apologies for not having viewed the vid where she proved the stats were false.😥

While I couldn't keep up with her back and forth, kudos to her persistent searching...wow.

And I think you and I Renee, were at that first NCI session in Truro where the gal responsible for gathering ALL the numbers from EVERY hospital, and when they did not compare with what Strang was publicly reporting, tried to either blow the whistle or got herself fired.

Is Paula on your site here? Good fodder for the meeting w Sean Fraser...🙏💖🙏🏽💙🙏🏿

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Apr 16Liked by Renee

Just a cursory "read"...do not believe any of those stats! It was shown (somewhere! And sometime ago)that stats were purposely skewed as part of the fear-porn strategy and were debunked by real numbers that did not reflect any of this BS. Scream.

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Apr 15Liked by Renee

Haven’t had time to watch the video, sorry.

But we already know that the elderly were the ones most vulnerable to covid, as they are to any other illness. I wouldn’t completely trust the hospital stats. I took my aunt to ER during covid, spoke with a nurse there, not sure why, but she felt comfortable to open up with me. I suppose it’s because I am a retired nurse and I had a lot of questions around covid. She told me that many of the nurses (including herself), as well as some doctors, and other health care workers did not want to take the covid vaccine. She also admitted that their covid numbers are fudged at times to appear as though they had more positive covid cases than they actually had. Let’s just say there was a financial incentive to do so. So I don’t know how much one can trust the data.

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Look at the fine print in the statistics. Most list vaccinated deaths as unvaccinated within two weeks of vaccination, when you're most likely to die from vaccination.

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The lies just keep piling up. Or they are being exposed, more lies every day.

God hates lies, more than most other sins. He really hates those who hurt children.

Eternity isn’t “a long time. It’s “forever”.

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