Jun 2Liked by Renee

I don't like the reference to a vaccination, rather approach things like a scientist. Question everything until it is proven to your satisfaction.


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Ursula loves vaccination. I am sure she had the saline because it would be too risky for her to have any "rare" side effects. This is like a vaccine commercial mixed in their other goals.

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Its not a vaccine, its a revolutionary weapon for the communists.

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It is absolutely appalling. This gangsters are the ones who call their selves the protectors of democracy.

Von der Leyen in particular has a history of corruption in Germany, and then in the EU with the vaccines. She also (*) erased all her messages from the time she was dealing with Pfizer…

(*) Like Hillary

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Jun 7Liked by Renee

We should save these ghouls the trouble and just tape everyone’s mouths shut. No talking. No thinking.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Renee

You deserve to know. I’m trained through to tell everyone.

The Mass Murder is because we are cult following bigots.

Demand you civil rights from your politicians, and we will have a future of truth and justice.

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Jun 5Liked by Renee

Another Nazi at large pushing eugenics and technology tracking. These elites are batshit crazy.

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Jun 4Liked by Renee

The woman is spreading deadly misinformation in my opinion to justify why she purchased 9 Covid vaccines per person in the EU

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Encore une maniaque avec une tête à claques

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Jun 2Liked by Renee

Listening to Witch Ursula, the onky true statement she made, although she used it to support her strawman argument was : "the more knowledge we learn, the least likely we will be deceived"...true, Witch!

I had to search on the LGBTQ situation in Russia as I had heard other sides. And isn't what we have ALLOWED here in the West/Canada...expose this all to minors as much as possible and as often as possible! Scream.

From The Council of Global Equality, in or shortly after 2013...

Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia liberalized some of its anti-LGBT laws. Most notably, homosexual relationships were decriminalized in 1993. Transgender Russians have also been allowed to change their legal gender on identity documents since 1997, although there are many obstacles to the process and invasive surgical requirements remain in place. Despite these liberalization trends during the immediate post-Soviet period, in recent years, Russian authorities have routinely denied permits for Pride parades, intimidated and arrested LGBT activists and condoned anti-LGBT statements by government officials.

In June 2013, the Russian duma in Moscow passed a new law banning the “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relationships”to minors. The new federal law is closely related to several regional laws that were already on the books, all of which seek to penalize “propaganda” of homosexuality, generally with the intent of “protecting” minors.

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I wonder if there is a little bit of aversion to homosexuality in Russia due to the timing of when it was legalized. quote "The first significant attempt to implement communism on a large scale occurred in Russia following the February Revolution of 1917, which resulted in the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II." another quote "At the time Russia's gay community was enjoying a brief window of tolerance. After the October Revolution in 1917, the Bolsheviks scrapped and rewrote the country's laws."

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Just like the LGBTQ+ is enjoying a brief window of tolerance, as they are provocateurs(they don’t even know) for the religious right.

LGBTQ+ are not liberals. LGBTQ+ is cult following bigots that justify the “rule of law,” and therefore needed for MAGA White Power Scientific Socialism rule.

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Jun 2Liked by Renee

Poor Nicholas...he and his family executed...the Bolsheviks...a helluva gang...

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Poor us, we are being executed the same.

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