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correction: in my last article I wrote that Jessica’s husband owns a restaurant, but her husband is a partner in a restaurant group.
This post is a continuation from the last post, Important Story Stifled by Big Tech, where I wrote a summary of the first 30 minutes of the interview between Jessica Hockett and Mark Kulacz which is available on Rumble. As mentioned in the last post, this video was removed from YouTube within a day of it being posted. If you’re like me, you consider that a clue that we need to investigate more.
What I have noticed is that through the past 4 or 5 years we are only supposed to talk about issues, when we are given permission. I suggest we are not supposed to expose that COVID was exaggerated or non-existent, especially now, because it doesn’t suit a narrative. The current thing we are supposed to be talking about is the next Gain of Function scary virus. To question the Gain of Function storyline is not convenient, especially with Disease X right around the corner!
While looking at the claimed mass casualty data, that looks more like a bomb exploding in New York, than viral spread, there is speculation on what these numbers might be. In the interview Jessica says, one theory is that the numbers are not factual, but could reflect what was modelled to happen.
Modelling is something that scientists use to predict what might happen in the future, using computers and math. In this case they may have predicted that the novel dangerous virus called COVID 19 would result in 1200 deaths a day at it’s peak. After coming up with this model, it would be convenient for this scientist to have correctly predicted the outcome.
In order to prove that this happened, they could have taken deaths that happened in the past and deaths expected to happen in the future, and thrown them into their excel sheet to show their predictions to be correct. Yes it is fraud, but many people commit fraud and even people in government are capable of committing fraud.
From the interview, another thing that doesn’t add up, is that there aren’t any anecdotal stories to confirm this bomb-like event. If as many people got sick and died, as is claimed we should expect to hear people telling stories about it. There are stories about the flu season from 2019, but not from this mass death and disease claim, of March of 2020. So, another theory, is that some of the deaths that may have happened during the flu season of 2019, were pushed forward to March of 2020 to amplify this story.
Another oddity highlighted in the interview were 2 previous interviews. An interview between Andrew Cuomo and Bill Marr, where Cuomo says that COVID had been circulating for months prior to March 2020. The other interview was between JJ Couey and Jay Bhattacharya, where Bhattacharya says the same thing. So the question is how come COVID only became extremely deadly when the government gave permission and had mass testing available?
Right now, the “expert dissidents” are pushing a worst case scenario that another pandemic is on its way. They sound a lot like the pro transfection people Klaus, Bill, Tedros, etc. It’s called disease X and leaders of health freedom are telling us to be afraid. Why is that? How is fear useful for our immune system? I don’t trust these people, and I will not give them my time and attention.
To be continued…
Does New York City 2020 Make Any Sense? at Panda website. ANALYSIS, CORONAVIRUS, DATA
Normally, these pandemics happen ever hundred years or so. So now they want to make this an annual event? Forget it! I'm not buying it. Get those monsters out of the Labs. Enough of this gain of function business.
Shall see!