Why I Am Hero Hesitant
Trust the experts, who tell you to trust the science, and trust the government
People are concerned about me because I don’t trust their hero Robert Malone. So I wanted to explain where I am coming from just based on one key point. He criticizes the transfections and Gain of Function research a lot. I don’t know how often he criticizes mask wearing or lockdowns. I am going to take a wild guess. This is probably not something that he mentions very often.
If not for mask mandates and lockdowns far fewer people would have taken this transfection. So wouldn’t it make more sense for him to cut the tree at the trunk instead of cutting off branches? But if he did that, he might not get to be a hero. In order to be our hero, he probably had to audition, and follow a script. That’s what I figure.
Robert Malone recently tweeted about how angry he was at a group of people that I belong to. Here’s how I feel about his tweet: Sir, do you agree that the word pandemic as defined by the W.H.O. is unreasonable? It is time to restore the meaning of words, George Orwell explains the problem we're having right now: War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Ignorance Is Strength
Scroll down for a video that further explains our problem. Thanks for reading!
i've heard malone referred to as "controlled opposition" . . . i watched only one interview with him . . . i beleive that was the rogan interview, so i don't know much about him and i don't need to . . . i trust my instincts and intuitions . . . a couple of weeks after covid was announced i looked around my world . . . my eyes didn't see people dropping dead left and right all around me so i knew it was a political gimmck . . . regarding the injection, it was rejected before it was released because i live by this rule: if the government is for something, i'm against it . . . so for the two years of covid hysteria i simply went about my lfe paying no attention to the political gimmick . . . it was a minor inconvenience slapping on an ineffective and unnecessary mask when i entered a store but otherwise my life was normal . . . i told my doctor that i will never take the billy gates vaccine . . . that statement put her on notice that i am a conspiracy theorist so no sense talking with me about the injection . . . all those who petpetrated infringements upon freedom, refusing to allow ivermectin to be used as treatment, forcing small businesses to close and all that, those people should be, but won't be on trial and executed . . . leaving them to do it again.
Robert Malone the exact type of quack scumbag who sells his medicine and then splits town before the dead bodies pile up. He needs about 100 jabs and not all in the arm.