Happy New Year!
I have been working out how to communicate online because there's something that's interfering with that. It's the pooters. I'm trying something new. Speaking carefully, and cutting out the middleman; the pooters.
Pooters are fast. Faster than you or I. So the pooters are able to amplify some messages and hide others. We'll talk about this more I promise.
Today I want to share my new YouTube channel, one of the videos that I have published there, and thoughts on publishing videos.
I started a YouTube channel.
Trigger warning
I have been harassed on X by Borno pots, and that's why they're in this video. I am trying to be honest, so I went with my own experience. These borno pots are a censorship tool used to hide people on X.
Here's a short film that I made. I spent a lot of time on it. But I still think it could be improved. It's a theme that I want to keep working on..
Now a couple of thoughts about YouTube versus Substack for sharing videos:
YouTube is easy to embed on Substack and WordPress (by the way, I have a blog by the same name on WordPress)
Substack is actually better than YouTube because it allows more freedom of speech. Example: this video was removed from YouTube recently. It is an interview between
and the Last American Vagabond1. I betcha if he had said that Gain of Function was something to fear, there would have been no violation of YouTubes Terms of Service. YouTube is fine with Gain of Function because it is just a psyop to scare people. YouTube is fine with people being afraid!
Unfortunately when I publish a Substack video, I do not often get a lot of feedback for a couple of reasons. I think that many people on Substack are more interested in writing. It seems to be hard for people to find the ♡ on my videos. When you put a ♡ it will help others to find my videos.
Substack has some really great features for video. The transcript tool works very well, in my opinion. After you upload the video it allows you to make clips and it will paste fancy “punchy” subtitles. And it doesn’t cost me anything to do this.
Unfortunately the clips have a watermark on them that shows the Substack logo. So when I make the clip I have to edit out that watermark, especially if I want to upload the video to X. Elon Musk really doesn’t like competition. X is the only place for “free speech” and there should be no competition, this is why he hates Substack.
With all this in mind I am very careful about what kind of videos I will upload to YouTube and what kind of videos I will bring to Substack.
Pooters...Wow ! ... I love that ...best way to get back is through humour.