Try to relax as you listen. Sometimes it is hard to listen to different perspectives as we fear that we may be taken on another ride. We fear that it might not be the path to liberation. I think that more information is always the best way to liberation. This is the information that has helped me. Maybe it will help you?
People feel safer when they find an “expert” to guide them. My preference is to find an “expert” who is watching the preferred “experts” and bringing commentary into it. This helps me to see if there might be deception going on, with people who were thought to be “heros.” By doing this I get to find out what someone like ______ is saying while also learning about what he is not saying. I find this valuable, as I want to know if I am being misled by the “heros.”
That’s why I enjoy JJ Couey’s
show which is on Twitch.I recently posted an edited version of one of his shows, here on substack. Here is the link:
I promised to bring the transcript to you in parts. I am adding an AI voice to read this to you. As I said in the last post, if you find it boring you can always listen to it, as you go to sleep at night, it might help you with that. Or maybe you want to hear what he has to say.
Transcript, I took out the time stamps, starting at 9:41 of the edited video:
JJ. Couey : This illusion of consensus is still going on, and I'm still working in the background, to try and put together a response that everybody can be happy about. It's going to come in the next five days, or something like that, maybe less.
I don't think everybody's going to stand up and cheer, any more than I hoped that they would have in 2021, when I did my first immunology four-hour lecture. I hoped they would do it in 2022, when I did it again. I hoped they would do it in 2023, when I did it again and then in May of 2023, when I did it again.
But, nobody ever sees the big picture, because most of the people that are involved in this are still interested in extending the worst case scenario confusion, and blending it in with the transfection.
Somehow blending it in and confusing it with the spike of the transfection, the spike of the virus. And everybody's working for that still. So, some part of me is resigned to say, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there was a toxic Spike protein that was traveling around the world, on the back of a coronavirus, that was created in a laboratory, cloned in a laboratory, and then released.
And, it ran all around the world like wildfire. I don't know how it happened. I don't know anything about it. But I do know that there were a number of people at the beginning of the pandemic that had no business knowing what they knew. Knowing about the furin cleavage site, knowing about amyloidosis and prion disease.
In looking at the little tiny inserts in the receptor binding domain between S1 and S2, and describing these things as though they were virologists. But actually before that they were anti-vax biologists. Before that they were working on longevity solutions. And then suddenly they became virologists and instantly could identify the furin cleavage site and make some argument about how this is definitive evidence for a lab leak.
These extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and they don't have it. They don't have any evidence to say. “You know, I just happened to hear about this pandemic and I thought I'd blast the sequence and lo and behold, I noticed that this Motif was very strange. It was a poly basic cleavage site, and I thought it was very curious, so I decided to write a Blog about it in January of 2020.”
Nobody can claim that. Unless you already have a few papers on coronavirus and you have a few papers on the fusion protein. So maybe, there are a couple people in the world who wrote a blog post about it, that were legitimately from a professional perspective, or an experienced perspective, and so, it makes sense that you're writing about this molecule and about this particular cleavage site. But everybody else is an instant red flag. Absolutely an instant red flag, and anyone should have seen it. They were worst case scenarios.
I'm showing this because this is a video from the swine flu in 2009.
Everybody that was fighting for the worst case scenario, was ignoring Wolfgang Wodarg. In 2020. I felt very much, like I had seen a ghost, because I saw Wolfgang Wodargs testimony a couple times, about what he thought was going on here, and every time I shared his name, or his video, with somebody in one of these, streams or, group discussions that I was involved in, nobody wanted to talk about Wodarg. Nobody wanted to hear about him.
Oh, he was involved in 2009. That was a little weird. They had some excuse, but in reality 2009, was a very small-scale version of what this was. It was a test run! It was absolutely a test run. And it was a test run specifically in Europe.
And there's no other way to see it. I don't think Wolfgang would argue with me, if I would say it that way. They definitely orchestrated a buy va..ccine treaty agreement, where if the who declares a pandemic, then you agree to buy a certain number of va..ccines. And if these manufacturers had gone from country to country, showing other countries what other countries had ordered, and claiming “our production level is 20 million doses. And so all these countries have ordered enough. So that there's not very much left, and if you don't order enough before we go to Spain and these other countries, there might not be any left for you.
And the agreement is that when the who says there's a pandemic, they were kinda, sort of, coercing governments into committing to these orders, under the pretense that if you don't, then there won't be any va..ccine for you when it's time.
And so listen to this reporter, talking about how this was all orchestrated and how dirty the dealings were with regards to it.
Man reporter : These va..ccines have got a performance, which is not very good, and they work best in healthy adults. In those who have got good immune systems in the first place, and for which they usually are not recommended.
Woman reporter: But you give one picture here, of this flu, not being so serious, but the W H O gives another picture, and they call it a pandemic. What do you say about calling this flu a pandemic?
Man Reporter: Well, it's a good point. I don't understand what a pandemic is anymore. And the reason for that is as follows. In 2003 W H O described an influenza pandemic as follows : An influenza pandemic occurs, when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity resulting in several simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.
Sometime in May 2009, this definition changed as follows: an influenza pandemic may occur when any new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity.
In other words, what they've done is they've taken out the part that referred to simultaneous outbreaks, high morbidity, that's a very high number of severe cases, and mortality. So now this definition, this 2009 definition could very well fit seasonal influenza. So, I don't understand what the difference is anymore.
Woman reporter: But who is gaining from this definition of the pandemic?
Man reporter: Oh, the new definition lowers the threshold. It is a pandemic now. And possibly a pandemic going on for some time. And it obviously favors those who have to sell products. Including research, of course. Let's not forget. And the media, as well as the pharmaceutical industry.
So that's a long time ago. And that's dead on balls accurate for what's happened this year. Or this last four years. And we are in the fifth year so don't forget , four complete years of this. And I am still going to, I'm gonna rest on this. Until I figure it out, otherwise
But I really do feel there are two primary kinds of actors now. With regard to what's happening with team worst case scenario. The first kind are people like me, who were unwittingly duped into believing that a gain of function, virus, likely leaked. And therefore actively advocating for this narrative, and screaming from the rooftops about people covering it up.
And then there was another group of people, that were kind of set in place, to take particular stands, on particular things. And this has much more to do with where you're standing on the train, and pretending to stop, and start it.
These are people who are arguing about Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
These were people who were arguing about how AstraZeneca might be bad and for some reason, that MRNA might not be bad. These are people who were arguing that mRNA from moderna, might be better than the MRNA from Pfizer, and arguing about funny things, that had really nothing to do with the fundamental narrative of the novel virus.
And these groups of actors have moved through the pandemic, slowly titrating along with where the Scooby-Doo should go. First, you know, going along completely with the narrative for the first three or four weeks. Assuming that the worst case scenario could be really really, really bad.
And so W.ei.nst.ein, of course was completely sure that it was bushmeat, and was already referring to AIDS, how AIDS came from bushmeat, and this is probably from bushmeat. And either way, even if it's not from bush meat, we should end bush meat anyway.
And of course, we've been making fun of him, for like three months now, all on the internet, and on Twitter about his mask stance.
And it's very curious because he did, of course, respond to more of this ridicule on his podcast a few days ago, and his response was….
I don't even know. What words can you use to describe it, when somebody says, they're sorry, but they're not sorry. I mean, that's what he does all the time.
There is no, I'm sorry. I did it wrong. There's no sorry, I got it wrong. There's no sorry, I blew it. And I can't stress enough, how for at least, I don't know, at least a few months now, and probably for more than a year, I've been trying
I'm sorry,
I got it wrong.
How can I be a gatekeeper with 3000 followers on Twitch? I'm happy for every one of the people that support and subscribe to my work, but they are the people that know that at one point, I was convinced that there was a lab leak, a virus, that something happened.
But very, very early on, I became convinced that whatever happened. It couldn't be this self-sustaining. Spontaneous danger. That was just going to keep sweeping the globe and sneaking around forever. And so, I've been fighting to understand this, to figure it out. And I think we're really close.
I think we're really close to making a very big leap forward that everybody who's legitimately fighting for our grandchildren can be proud of.
And that means, Sam and Mark Bailey, it's possible that at one point, we will be friends. Because I don't have any critiques for the farewell to virology document.
end of this section.
To be continued
Well done Renee. I think the more people speak out the more will awaken.
SO much to digest! Amazing, Renee. What came to mind as I was reading through was what Dr Malone wrote this week...he thought he had learned a lot about medicine and the shenanigans behind "Covid" the last 3 years, but now he is just realizing that "shenanigans" of many kinds which affect our societal lives have been going on for a VERY, VERY long time. And what he thought he knew all along, was not so. I awoke to that, too, with all the books I read in, we are at a crossroads where the awakened are going to be called to "serve" in more overt ways, methinks. 🤷♀️